An Interview with a Professional Gambler
20 October 2017
It’s not an easy task tracking down a pro gambler, let alone finding an individual willing to share his/her insights, experiences and tales. Avoiding the tax man is one of the primary concerns of the secretive breed of professional bettors, as well as dealing with the stigma of being a pro gambler which isn’t something the vast majority understands and interprets as a valid profession. We were practically ecstatic when a certain pro bettor agreed to answer a few of our questions, but in return, he asked that we use a pseudonym. So we named him Dave. We give you our full interview with Dave, who is a pro poker player and excels in horse race betting as well, just as it was recorded. Turns out, Dave isn’t a person that leads a playboy lifestyle or swims in streams of cash. He’s a regular guy with a family who happens to be a smart betting fanatic.
Hello Dave, thank you so much for speaking up. First of all, tell us how did you take up gambling in the first place?
Hi, no problem. Well, I did grow up on a farm and watched horses run around from a very young age. My grandfather would go to the tracks and I suppose the excitement of big group races attracted me even then. It was the sense of achievement, and also the suspense leading to it. As for poker, I fell in love with the game when I was in my mid-twenties. I went to Las Vegas for fun and didn’t count on being attracted to table gambling. Fast forward 15 years, I lived to be called a professional poker player.
How long did it take you to become a pro?
It’s tough to pinpoint an exact period, but I would say it took me several years to comprehend that a statistical approach to betting could be objective and profitable at the same time. About 5-6 years maybe.
What’s your biggest loss?
I have to admit, there have been some losses over the years that I would have been fine without, for sure. Once, I’ve lost an amount earned during previous three weeks on one weekend. Tens of thousands went down the drain. But then you come to your senses and keep the good periods going as long as possible.
You live with your family: is there a constant pressure to perform well?
Certainly. But I don’t experience it as pressure; I’ve just adopted an approach that excludes irrational thinking and that makes it easier. The temptation to bet against the figures and listen to your gut feeling is always there, but experience teaches you to always, always bet with a clear head, and that’s when things rarely, if ever, go wrong.
Any advice you are willing to share with our readers?
My message would be to never stop experiencing enjoyment while gambling and the best way to do that is to always have betting money set aside. Once you’ve spent it, take a break and think of it as if you’ve been to the movies and the movie has ended. Till next time. Don’t push it. ‘Never wager more than you can afford to lose.’ – is, without a doubt, one of the best bits of advice out there.