Why Playing Free Slots Will Make You a Better Player
13 March 2019
Slots are a fun and potentially profitable way to spend some time. Watching the reels and symbols land your way, what could be better?
While the emphasis is on having fun when having a punt, it doesn’t hurt to do what you can to tip the edge as far in your favour as possible to win.
There are a few ways of doing this but one of the best by far is playing slots for free. Of course, you don’t win any real money this way but the long term benefits can be significant and work out financially in your favour. Think of it as an investment that costs a bit of time but no money.
In this article, we will explore the concept of free slots along with some of their key benefits, and how they can make you a better player.
How They Work
Free slots do exactly what they say on the tin.
Choose a slot that catches your interest, either an old favourite you want to brush up your skills on or a slot with complicated payout rules or something that just looks exciting and give it a whirl.
A free slot will load you up with a stack of virtual funds, £1000 is a common figure, and then you are free to spin as you so choose.
You can play it safe if that is your normal style and stick to one or two pay lines, or go loose with the free funds and see how the slot responds to a higher number of pay lines.
There are no hard or fast rules when it comes to paying lines. Some players will advise you to use fewer on some games, while others claim that more lines will provide a better chance for a bigger payout. Every game is different, so free slots give you the chance to try both approaches and see what works best for you.
Where to Find Free Slots
In the past, when the internet wasn’t the ubiquitous institution it is now, it was quite rare to find a free slot to play on. These days they are everywhere online.
You can find sites that are solely dedicated to providing free slots where no money whatsoever changes hands. Many online casinos, where you do have the chance to play for real money, will offer players the chance to test drive their slots for free.
When visiting an online casino and identifying one or two slots you are interested in, then you can find a link either next to the game, or by hovering over it, which will let you try it out for free.
One of the fantastic benefits of the internet for fans of video slots is the opportunity to try them for free and you can literally find thousands of them just a click or two away.
Extra Benefits
The key benefit is that you can try new slots with absolutely no risk to your bankroll. This provides a keen gamer with the opportunity to learn the rules of the slot thoroughly. This includes things like seeing which symbols show up more frequently than others and how they pay out, how the scatters and wilds work and which trigger the bonus features.
Working out the best strategies for bonus games can be crucial because this is where big payouts can be achieved. This means that the better a player knows their workings, and how the individual elements are brought together then the better the chance is of building bigger jackpots.
As well as financial benefits, sometimes it can be relaxing to just sit back and have a few spins without having to think about your bankroll. There can be times for business and times for some laid back relaxation. Slots are fun and sometimes you want to try something new or play an old favourite without the need for worrying about funding it. In this regard, free slots are absolutely perfect for experimentation or for replaying old games.
They also work well for testing out a new online casino as potential customers can often take advantage of trying out free slots without the need for even signing up, let alone making a deposit.
Final Word
Everyone likes getting something for nothing and free slots are not only great fun to play but offer a number of tangible benefits as we have seen. Key amongst these is the opportunity to try something and develop skills and tactics for a specific game with no risk to your bankroll. All of these factors can contribute to making you a better player.